Sick And Tired Of Doing Tiktok The Old Way? Read This

Catherine Spence
3 min readApr 11, 2022
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If you’re sick of doing TikTok the old way, there’s a new app for that. TikTok TV lets you make and share videos with friends in a more creative way. With built-in filters, text effects, and stickers, TikTok TV is easier than ever to use. Plus, it comes with a ton of premade templates and themes to get you started right away.

Introduction: Introduce the article and state that there is a better way to do TikTok

There’s a better way to do TikTok. Sure, you can use the app to create silly videos with friends or post cat memes, but there’s so much more you can do with it. You can make creative videos showcasing your skills or passions, document your life journey, or even share political messages.

That’s why a lot of people have started looking for ways to improve their TikTok experience. And one of the best ways to do that is to use one of the new TikTok apps.

In short: There’s no reason to stick with the old ways of doing things when there are so many new and improved options available on TikTok. You can easily get started with TikTok by downloading the app on your phone and creating your first video.

How To Create A TikTok Account And Add Your First Video Getting started is easy.

TikTok is a social media platform that enables users to create and share short videos with others. It is available on both iOS and Android phones. If you want to start using TikTok, the first thing you need to do is create an account.

To create an account, you need to download the TikTok app on your phone. You can then create a new account by following the instructions on the app’s homepage. Once you’ve created your account, you will be able to log in using your username and password.

The boring way:

Describe how most people make TikTok videos, which is by simply recording themselves doing something. The exciting way Describe how you would make a TikTok video, which is by finding interesting and original videos to try and recreate in your own way.

How to use Tik Tok?

Here are the instructions for using TikTok:

1) Log on to your account.

2) Click on the camera icon in the top-left corner of your screen.

3) Select a video from your library or find one from the web.

4) Begin recording and finishing up by clicking on “done”.

The creative way:

Discuss some ways that people can be more creative with their videos, such as using props, costumes, or special effects.

Creativity is said to be one of the most important qualities in a leader. Whether it’s in business or any other field, creativity can often be the key to success. However, with so many distractions available these days, it can be hard to find the time to be creative.

Luckily, there are a number of ways that people can become more creative, regardless of their circumstances. Here are ways that you can become more creative:

1) Take breaks. Sometimes the best way to get out of a rut is to take a break. When you’re stuck, sometimes all you need is some fresh air and some time away from your work. Go for a walk or take a nap; anything that will help you clear your head and come up with new ideas.

2) Try something new.


In conclusion, TikTok TV is a more creative and fun way to make and share videos with friends. With its built-in filters, text effects, and stickers, you can create videos that are sure to entertain. So why not give it a try?



Catherine Spence

Catherine Spence is a social media enthusiast, working at She has strong managing skills, specially when it comes to social media.